I want to reuse a map for localization. I load a saved map from the map server. Idealy i would like the map to be at the fixed coordinate origin(0,0). When I start the server though the upper left corner of the saved map is put into the origin. How can I move the map. In the corresponding yaml file I find a value for origin: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
In the documentation I see that this the value of the lower left corner of the map. However if I edit this value, the map doesnt translate in the visualization.
What would be the way to go here? I could publish a static transform for the map frame. But then I would like to publish this only once at start up or at certain circumstances ?For example if my localization in the map is too far off. I cant see how I to realize this in code. It seems to me to be a very standard problem maybe someone here can help me. Thanks
Originally posted by Peter1 on ROS Answers with karma: 38 on 2018-03-01
Post score: 0