I am creating an application to control the Baxter robot with the Oculus Rift. Everything worked fine but after simply copying the program to another computer and running it from there, I am getting the error "Buffer overrun when attempting to parse setup message" at initialisation.
I am using two computers, obtaining and publishing data (using Rosserial Windows) on a Windows PC and creating ROS subscribers + processing the data on an Ubuntu PC. I migrated the code from my Windows laptop onto a Windows desktop, but haven't changed it otherwise. The error occurs immediately as the Windows node attempts to connect.
I am not sure what triggered the error, since I haven't changed my code. Apparently, it is caused by the StreamOverrun exception. More specifically, Rosserial's Session.h shows when the exception is triggered - I am also getting that ROS_ERRROR_ONCE message, which suggests topic_id < 100. I don't understand how that could be the case:
try {
} catch(ros::serialization::StreamOverrunException e) {
if (topic_id < 100) {
ROS_ERROR("Buffer overrun when attempting to parse setup message.");
ROS_ERROR_ONCE("Is this firmware from a pre-Groovy rosserial?");
} else {
ROS_WARN("Buffer overrun when attempting to parse user message.");
For reference, my code can be found on my github.
I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Originally posted by retepvan on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2017-08-28
Post score: 0