Dear ROS community,
i am simulating a ABB IRB2400 robot arm in gazebo controlling it with MoveIt. This is working so far. My goal is to simulate two arms. So i moved them in different namespaces and give their descriptions different names. The Problem that now is occurring that the joint_trajectory_controllercant find the 'robot_description' parameter on the parameter server.
The errors i get are:
[ERROR] [1500973451.323217096, 0.454000000]: Could not find parameter robot_description on parameter server
[ERROR] [1500973451.323364757, 0.454000000]: Failed to parse URDF contained in 'robot_description' parameter
[ERROR] [1500973451.323468398, 0.454000000]: Failed to initialize the controller
[ERROR] [1500973451.323531930, 0.454000000]: Initializing controller 'arm_controller' failed
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1500973452.325133] [1.452000] Failed to load arm_controller
I looked up in the Wiki and the code and as far as i know there is no way to tell the joint_trajectory_controller to look for the robot description under a different name than 'robot_description'. Am i wrong? Is there a simple way i am overseeing?
If there is no way implemented i would like to do so. But i could use some enlightening on how to do that a good way. Entering the robot description in the yaml file describing the controller would be the way i would choose. But i have not yet found the part of the code wich parses the arguments from the yaml to the actual controller.
Originally posted by Panda1638 on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2017-07-25
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Panda1638 on 2017-08-01:
I managed to implement the use of a different robot description. It was quite easy after i understood how everything works. I copied the joint_trajectory_controller package and renamed it. Than you need to register it under that name. To get a different description i added a parameter to the server.
Comment by drcra on 2018-05-24:
Could you please elaborate on what was required to "register it under that name"?