I'm quite new with ROS and it's been a few weeks that I'm actually facing a problem I can't manage to solve. I'm trying to creta a map from a robot's sensors data and visualize it on rviz, so nothing especially exotic.
As it is for test purpose, I simulate the robot on my computer. The data seem correct as well as the tf tree. However, when I try to see the result on rviz I get something wrong. The test map is actually a simple straigth corridor and the robot is just moving forward until the end. What I get on rviz is not so far from the actual map but there are holes between the segment, just like if it creates the map only at each new square of the grid. I unfortunately can't post pictures for now (I need 5 points or something ?)
I've read tons of topics on the subjects but I did not find anything that helped me solving this problem. If feel rather desperate about it.
If anyone can see what goes wrong, you would help me a lot !
Thank you.
Originally posted by Pandacool on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2017-04-23
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Geoff on 2017-04-23:
Is your map just a blank corridor? No doors or any obstacles? Such a map lacks enough features for good localisation and map building, which may explain what you're seeing. It's hard to tell without pictures or seeing your source. Can you post your launch files, map, etc.?. Use dropbox or something.
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-04-24:
Thank you for answer. It is actually a blank corridor with nothing else than the walls and the ground. Here is a screenshot of rviz. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cH0l8kxYjZR2lORldfaG96d3M
As you can see, the odometry ans the display of the map seem correct but there are those "holes".
Comment by Geoff on 2017-04-24:
The map looks very odd. Can you post your source files so we can test it out?
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-04-25:
Unfortunately, we use a locally developped simulator to simulate the robot so you won't be able to use most of the code. Here is a part of the ros related code, concerning the messages sent trough ros. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cH0l8kxYjZY3daQklkLXpJcnc
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-04-25:
I think that if the error comes from the code, it can only comes from this part. The tf transform works and is correct (I can add it if you need) and the messages are sent to ros without any error. Also, concerning odometry, the simulator cannot simulate it yet so I just made it simply move forward.
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-04-25:
I thought maybe the problem comes from odometry but it looks fine on rviz so I don't know wath goes wrong. I checked the values of my sensors and they seem correct (near 0 on the sides because of the walls and 1 in front and in the back)
Comment by Geoff on 2017-04-26:
Since you can't post the simulator, can you instead record a bag file of all topics and post that? Also, we need to see your full source, not extracts, so that people can try to replicate your problem.
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-04-27:
Sorry for the delay. Here is the code https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cH0l8kxYjZTmgtdXpTY1JXYk0
and here is the bag file https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cH0l8kxYjZbjF2ZUVYZHZUNlk
Comment by Geoff on 2017-04-28:
I am curious if the bag files are the complete system. The transforms between odom
and the laser scan frame are missing, and nothing is ever published on /tf
or /tf_static
. Are you recording everything? Could you post your complete system setup?
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-05-02:
Sorry I missed the comment. And sorry again, I only recorded odom and laser scan, do you also want me to record the tf ? I can also post my tf tree if you need it.
Comment by Pandacool on 2017-05-02:
here is a bag with the tf https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cH0l8kxYjZdUt3UXR1ZlpvMEE