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Hello all,

I am new to ROS and want to use it to communicate between the nodes of my own library. I want to know whether I shall create plugins to make it communicate with the parts of my library ?
for example https://nengoros.wordpress.com/ is a neural networks simulator and it uses ROS to make it communicate between it's modules(nodes). I am working on something similar but not sure whether I should use ROS plugins. Any information will be helpful.

Thank you

Originally posted by saranshvora on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2017-04-01

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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If I understood well what you need to do is having some c++ class that you need to use in your node. If this is the case simply use add_library in your CMakeList.txt to define your library with a name. Then, make sure you like your library to your node using target link libraries command.

If you need to share a C++ library in your environment so other packages can use it as well, u need to export your library.

Originally posted by mohsen1989m with karma: 397 on 2017-04-04

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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