I create a test package as tutorial using
catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp.
When I add a custom message, it comes error
[100%] Built target beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_lisp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gencpp/cmake/../../../lib/gencpp/gen_cpp.py", line 41, in
import genmsg.template_tools
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genmsg/template_tools.py", line 39, in
import em
ImportError: No module named 'em'
beginner_tutorials/CMakeFiles/beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target '/home/arnoldx201/catkin_ws/devel/include/beginner_tutorials/Complex.h' failed
make[2]: *** [/home/arnoldx201/catkin_ws/devel/include/beginner_tutorials/Complex.h] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1136: recipe for target 'beginner_tutorials/CMakeFiles/beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [beginner_tutorials/CMakeFiles/beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed
When I use directly python --> import cm, there is no problem.
Has anyone met the same problem before? Thanks
Originally posted by tomcattiger on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2017-03-23
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by fettespferd on 2019-01-21:
Hattest du eine Lösung für dein Problem gefunden?
Ich stehe momentan vor dem exakt gleichen Problem und komme nicht weiter :(