I am trying to make line following robot. I am using atmega328p mcu, pololu 10:1 motors, pololu qtr6-rc sensor, 2s li-po. Here is my code:
* LineFollower.c
* Created: 30.04.2015 16:00:05
* Author: Mikk
#define F_CPU 20000000 //we're running on 20mHz clock
#define numberOfButtons 1
#define READPIN PINC // lines connected to PC0 - PC5
#define MAXTICKS 2500
#define QTRCNT 6
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <Mikk/Button.h>
#include <Mikk/QTRRCSensors.h>
int baseSpeed = 70;
int maxSpeed = 140;
const float Kp = 8.1;
const float Kd = 400;
uint8_t mode = 0; //indicates in which mode program is
uint8_t RmotorSpeed = 0; //
uint8_t LmotorSpeed = 0; //motors
void button(void);
void setMotors(int ml, int mr)
if(ml > maxSpeed) //make sure that speed is not out of range for left motor
ml = maxSpeed;
if(ml < -maxSpeed)
ml = -maxSpeed;
if(mr > maxSpeed) //make sure that speed is not out of range for right motor
mr = maxSpeed;
if(mr < -maxSpeed)
mr = maxSpeed;
if(ml > 0) //if left motor speed is positive then drive motor forwards
LmotorSpeed = ml;
if(ml == 0) //if left motor speed is 0 then stop motor
LmotorSpeed = 0;
if(mr > 0) //if right motor speed is positive then drive motor forwards
RmotorSpeed = mr;
if(mr == 0) //if right motor speed is 0 then stop motor
RmotorSpeed = 0;
void emittersOn(void) //function for turning emitters on
PORTD |= (1 << PIND0);
void emittersOff(void) //function for turning emitters off
PORTD &= ~(1 << PIND0);
void LedOn(void) //function for turning led on
PORTB |= (1 << PINB5);
void LedOff(void) //function for turning led off
PORTB &= ~(1 << PINB5);
void stop(void) //stop everything
setMotors(0, 0);
void calibration(void) //calibration takes about 5 seconds
//turn led on
//turn emitters on
// reset minimums and maximums
for (int i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++)
QTRmax[i] = 0;
//calibrate sensors
for(int i=0; i<250; i++)
//turn emitters off
//turn led off
void start(void)
//turn led on
//create all necessary variables
int power_difference = 0;
float error = 0;
float lastError = 0;
float derivative = 0;
int position = 0;
//turn emitters on
_delay_ms(500); //wait so you can pull your hand away
while(mode == 2)
//check for mode change
//read position
position = readLine();
//make calculations
error = position - 2500;
derivative = error - lastError;
//remember last error
lastError = error;
//calculate power_difference of motors
power_difference = error/(Kp/100) + derivative*(Kd/100);
//make sure that power difference is in correct range
if(power_difference > baseSpeed)
power_difference = baseSpeed;
if(power_difference < -baseSpeed)
power_difference = -baseSpeed;
//drive motors
if(power_difference > 0)
setMotors(baseSpeed+power_difference, baseSpeed-power_difference/2);
else if(power_difference < 0)
setMotors(baseSpeed+power_difference/2, baseSpeed-power_difference);
else if(power_difference == 0)
setMotors(maxSpeed, maxSpeed);
void button(void)
char buttonState = 0;
//check for current button status
buttonState = ButtonReleased(0, PINB, 1, 200);
//check if button is pressed
if(buttonState) //pin change from low to high
if(mode == 1) calibration();
void pwmInit(void)
//set fast-PWM mode, inverting mode for timer0
TCCR0A |= (1 << COM0A1) | (1 << COM0A0) | (1 << WGM00) | (1 << WGM01) | (1 << COM0B1) | (1 << COM0B0);
//set fast-PWM mode, inverting mode for timer2
TCCR2A |= (1 << COM2A1) | (1 << COM2A0) | (1 << WGM20) | (1 << WGM21) | (1 << COM2B1) | (1 << COM2B0);
//set timer0 overflow interrupt
TIMSK0 |= (1 << TOIE0);
//set timer2 overflow interrupt
TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2);
//enable global interrupts
//set timer0 prescaling to 8
TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01);
//set timer2 prescaling to 8
TCCR2B |= (1 << CS21);
int main(void)
DDRB |= 0x2A; //0b00101010
DDRD |= 0x69; //0b01101001
DDRC |= 0x00; //0b00000000
//clear port d
PORTD |= 0x00;
//enable pull-up resistor
PORTB |= (1 << PINB1);
//blink 2 times indicate that we are ready
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
PORTB ^= (1 << PINB5);
if(mode == 0) stop();
if(mode == 2) start();
if(mode >= 3) mode = 0;
//update OCRnx values
OCR0A = RmotorSpeed;
OCR2A = LmotorSpeed;
And here is my qtr library:
#ifndef QTRRCSensors
#define QTRRCSensors
#define SLOW 1
#define FAST 0
static inline void initQTRs(void)
TCCR1B = (1 << CS11);
uint16_t QTRtime[QTRCNT], QTRmax[QTRCNT], QTRmin[QTRCNT];
static inline void readQTRs(uint8_t forceSlow) {
uint8_t lastPin, i, done = 0;
for (i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++) // clear out previous times
QTRtime[i] = 0;
READDDR |= 0b00111111; // set pins to output
READPORT |= 0b00111111; // drive them high
_delay_us(10); // wait 10us to charge capacitors
READDDR &= 0b11000000; // set pins to input
READPORT &= 0b11000000; // turn off pull-up registers
TCNT1 = 0; // start 16bit timer at 0
lastPin = READPIN;
while ((TCNT1 < MAXTICKS) && ((done < QTRCNT) || forceSlow)) // if forceSlow, always take MAXTICKS time
if (lastPin != READPIN) // if any of the pins changed
lastPin = READPIN;
for (i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++)
if ((QTRtime[i] == 0) && (!(lastPin & (1<<i)))) // did pin go low for the first time
QTRtime[i] = TCNT1;
if (done < QTRCNT) // if we timed out, set any pins that didn't go low to max
for (i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++)
if (QTRtime[i] == 0)
QTRtime[i] = MAXTICKS;
void calibrateQTRs(void) {
uint8_t i, j;
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { // take 10 readings and find min and max values
for (i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++) {
if (QTRtime[i] > QTRmax[i])
QTRmax[i] = QTRtime[i];
if (QTRtime[i] < QTRmin[i])
QTRmin[i] = QTRtime[i];
void readCalibrated(void) {
uint8_t i;
uint16_t range;
for (i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++) { // normalize readings 0-1000 relative to min & max
if (QTRtime[i] < QTRmin[i]) // check if reading is within calibrated reading
QTRtime[i] = 0;
else if (QTRtime[i] > QTRmax[i])
QTRtime[i] = 1000;
else {
range = QTRmax[i] - QTRmin[i];
if (!range) // avoid div by zero if min & max are equal (broken sensor)
QTRtime[i] = 0;
QTRtime[i] = ((int32_t)(QTRtime[i]) - QTRmin[i]) * 1000 / range;
uint16_t readLine(void) {
uint8_t i, onLine = 0;
uint32_t avg; // weighted total, long before division
uint16_t sum; // total values (used for division)
static uint16_t lastValue = 0; // assume line is initially all the way left (arbitrary)
avg = 0;
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < QTRCNT; i++) { // if following white line, set QTRtime[i] = 1000 - QTRtime[i]
if (QTRtime[i] > 50) { // only average in values that are above a noise threshold
avg += (uint32_t)(QTRtime[i]) * (i * 1000);
sum += QTRtime[i];
if (QTRtime[i] > 200) // see if we're above the line
onLine = 1;
if (!onLine)
// If it last read to the left of center, return 0.
if(lastValue < (QTRCNT-1)*1000/2)
return 0;
// If it last read to the right of center, return the max.
return (QTRCNT-1)*1000;
lastValue = avg/sum; // no chance of div by zero since onLine was true
return lastValue;
I am trying to find Kp constant but when it's 7 then my robot just turns off the line always on the same spot. When Kp is 8 then it follows staright line but wobbles a lot and can't take corners. I also tried to increase Kd 10 to 20 times when my Kp was 8 but it didn't change much. How can I get it working?
Here is my robot and the track I want to follow.