I'm trying to calculate the Jacobian for days now. But first some details. Within my Master's Thesis I have to numerically calculate the Jacobian for a tendon-driven continuum Robot. I have all homogeneous transformation matrices as I already implemented the kinematics for this Robot. Due to it's new structure there are no discrete joint variables anymore but rather continuous parameters. Therefore I want to compute the Jacobian numerically. It'd be awesome if someone could provide a detailed way how to compute the numerical Jacobian for a 6-DoF rigid-link robot (only rotational joints => RRRRRR). From that I can transfer it to the continuum robot.
I've already started computing it. Let T be the homogeneous transformation matrix for the Endeffector (Tip) with
$$T=\begin{bmatrix}R & r \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$
with R = rotational matrix (contains orientation) and $ r = \begin{bmatrix} x & y & z \end{bmatrix}^T$ endeffector position. My approach is to compute the first three rows of J by successively increasing the joints, computing the difference to the "original" joint values and dividing it by the increment delta, the joint-space is $ q = \begin{bmatrix} q_1 & q_2 & q_3 & ... &q_6 \end{bmatrix}T $
$q_1 = q_1 + \delta$ => $J(1,1) = (X_{increment} - X_{orig})/\delta$
$q_2 = q_2 + \delta$ => $J(1,2) = (X_{increment} - X_{orig})/\delta$
and so on. I do the same for the y and z coordinates. So I get the first 3 rows of J.
Now I don't know how to compute the last three rows as they refer to the rotational Matrix R. Since it's a 3x3 matrix and no scalar value I don't know how to handle it.