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Hello ROS users!

I'm working with tf and I've a few questions about the API.

I am defining frames such that Yaw is applied around Z, followed by Pitch around the new Y and then Roll around new X.

Consider a transform from base_link --> camera_frame. Assuming I only have constant rotation between the frames (zero translation), here's how I create the transform:

//Fixed transform values
double roll, pitch, yaw;
yaw = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90); // 90 degrees around Z 
pitch = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(0); // 0 degrees around new Y
roll = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-90); // -90 degrees around new X

//Create Quaternion from Euler angles
tf::Quaternion quat;
quat.setRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
//quat.setEuler(pitch, roll, -yaw); // 

//Set rotations
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped bLink_to_cam;

bLink_to_cam.transform.rotation.x = quat.x();
bLink_to_cam.transform.rotation.y = quat.y();
bLink_to_cam.transform.rotation.z = quat.z();
bLink_to_cam.transform.rotation.w = quat.w();

//Set translations
bLink_to_cam.transform.translation.x = 0;
bLink_to_cam.transform.translation.y = 0;
bLink_to_cam.transform.translation.z = 0;

In another node, I have a tf::TransformListener object which receives this transform. Here I print out the values :

void printEulerAngles(tf::StampedTransform& transform){
    double roll, pitch, yaw;
    tf::Matrix3x3 m(transform.getRotation());

    m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
    //m.getEulerZYX(yaw, pitch, roll);
    ROS_INFO("\nRoll    : %.3f\n"
            "Pitch  : %.3f\n"
            "Yaw    : %.3f\n",


I expected to see the transform as defined above. However, I see Roll, Pitch, Yaw (90,90, 0). I did some research and found that setRPY() and getRPY() follow this convention:

  • (roll around X, pitch around Y and yaw around z) around fixed axes.

Here are my questions:

  1. How do I define rotations when I need to rotate (w.r.t to base_link axes) in the following convention?
  • (yaw around Z, then pitch around new Y, then roll around new X)
  1. Once I get the above rotation from tf, how do I modify the printEulerAngles() method to display them in the same convention as above?

I'd really appreciate any assistance in understanding tf. Thanks!

Originally posted by Venkat Ganesh on ROS Answers with karma: 57 on 2016-11-10

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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I think you are looking for the setEulerYPR and getEulerYPR functions of tf::Matrix3x3. As far as I can tell, these follow the convention you are describing.

To generate the quaternion:

//Fixed transform values
double roll, pitch, yaw;
yaw = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90); // 90 degrees around Z 
pitch = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(0); // 0 degrees around new Y
roll = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-90); // -90 degrees around new X

//Create Matrix3x3 from Euler Angles
tf::Matrix3x3 m_rot;
m_rot.setEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll);

// Convert into quaternion
tf::Quaternion quat;

Your printEuler would then be

void printEulerAngles(tf::StampedTransform& transform){
    double roll, pitch, yaw;
    tf::Matrix3x3 m(transform.getRotation());
    int solution_number = 1;

    m.getEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll, solution_number);
    ROS_INFO("\nRoll    : %.3f\n"
            "Pitch  : %.3f\n"
            "Yaw    : %.3f\n",

However, like I wrote in your previous question, there can be multiple representations of an identical rotation, so your angles might not be the same. You can play around witht the solution_number argument of getEulerYPR() but I don't know if that will help.

Good luck.

Originally posted by rbbg with karma: 1823 on 2016-11-14

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 4

Original comments

Comment by Venkat Ganesh on 2016-11-14:
Hello, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I still don't see the correct angle. In tf_broadcaster_node, I have the same input: Y,P,R = (90,0,-90). However, in tf_listener_node, I see (0, 90, 90). I don't think it's an equivalent rotation.


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