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I'm just getting started with the robot_localization package and may aim is to fuse odometry and IMU data for a car like robot. I have an odometry sensor setup, but was wondering if there was an IMU someone suggests using for easy integration with robot_localization package.

I currently have a vn-100, but have been having a lot of difficulty with just getting it to give repeatable values. I am using the driver, but the orientation seems to differ at the beginning of every time the imu is initialized.

Is the VN-100 a good IMU for my robot platform, or would another IMU be easier to integrate with ROS and robot_localization?

Also, should gravity be included in the IMU reading for accelerations?

Originally posted by matthewlefort on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2016-09-13

Post score: 2


2 Answers 2


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Just make sure that the IMU produces data in ENU frame. Most IMUs produce NED-frame data by default, which will not work with r_l. I may be incorrect, but looking at the VN-100 driver source, it appears to be copying data straight from the IMU, which indicates to me that it may be in the wrong frame. Please correct me if you find that's not accurate.

Originally posted by Tom Moore with karma: 13689 on 2016-10-09

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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There are several IMU available which can be interfaced with ROS.For the list of IMU ,visit this page ROS Sensors.

I haven't worked with VN-100 sensor so I don't know how accurate the sensor is when compared to others. I have worked with razor imu from sparkfun. It was good and easy to integrate and the packages are available in this ROS razor

Originally posted by Gokul with karma: 243 on 2016-09-16

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by matthewlefort on 2016-09-19:
Great list! Thank you


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