My plan is having ROS nodes on Linux and on LabVIEW RT (MyRIO) work together with ROS master running on Linux. Currently, I am using the ROS LabVIEW library from Tufts university. I tested and proved success to be able run roscore on Linux communicating with ros node on LabVIEW PC (non-RT). But I don't have success communication between roscore runs on Linux and ros node runs on MyRIO (RT). If anyone know how to make this work please have me with instructions.
Thank you in advance.
Edit 1: The subscriber in LabVIEW RT cannot receive message from publisher in Linux (ROS master run on Linux). I also tried with ROS master run on PC, publisher run on LabVIEW PC and subscriber run on LabVIEW RT. The subscriber in this case does not receive message from publisher either. But if I ran the ROS master in LabVIEW RT, I can receive message from publisher run on LabVIEW PC.
Originally posted by Thang Nguyen on ROS Answers with karma: 93 on 2016-07-15
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2016-07-15:\
But I don't have success communication between roscore runs on Linux and ros node runs on MyRIO (RT)
Could you add what doesn't work in this case?
Comment by Thang Nguyen on 2016-07-15:
@gvdhoorn: I added detail in my question.
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2016-07-15:
If this was two Linux PCs, I would guess this is a configuration issue. What are the values of ROS_HOSTNAME
on all machines involved?