I have a calibrated stereo camera system that is mounted in a passenger car which means I am able to retrieve a point cloud from my stereo image. However, I need to find how well is the camera aligned with the vehicle - read: if the camera is perfectly facing forwards or not. I guess it will never perfectly face forwards so I need to get the angle (or rather 3D vector) between "perfect forwards" and "actual camera pose".
What came to my mind is to drive the vehicle possibly perfectly forwards and use stereo visual odometry to detect the angle of vehicle movement as seen by camera (which is the vector I am looking for). The LIBVISO library for visual odometry can output a 3D vector of movement change from one stereo frame to another which could be used to detect the needed vector.
The only problem may be to actually be able to drive perfectly forward with a car. Maybe an RTK GPS could be used to check for this or for correction. Will anyone have a suggestion on how to proceed?
The stereo camera I use consists of 2 separate Point Grey USB cameras. Each camera is mounted on a windshield inside the car with a mount like this one. The cameras were calibrated after mounting. The stereo baseline (distance between the cameras) is about 50 cm.