Hi all,
Somebody who have used gdb to debug a ros control plugin please share some experience with me:)
I added the "launch-prefix="gdb -ex run --args" " attribute in the node tag of my launch file.
But when roslaunch the launch file here is what I got
"/opt/ros/indigo/lib/controller_manager/spawner": not in executable format: File format not recognized
Starting program: joint1_effort_controller __name:=controller_spawner __log:=/home/lc/.ros/log/7a02b5fc-3c75-11e6-8071-0023248137eb/rrbot-controller_spawner-1.log
No executable file specified.
My gdb version is 7.7.1 and my ubuntu version is 14.04, my ros version is indigo.
And by the way if don't use gdb, is there any other debug tools for debugging a plugin?
Thanks in advance
Originally posted by cangjiaxuan on ROS Answers with karma: 20 on 2016-06-27
Post score: 0