I tried a pick and place application developed in ROS with Schunk LWA4P robotic arm. Initially it worked fine completely. Even when I shut down the robot at positions apart from home (all angles 0 degree) it worked fine on next new initialization. But now I am facing a weird problem with joint 5’s angle. For example when I shut down my robot with a pose which has following angles values, (as obtained from rostopic “/arm/joint_states”)
Joint 1 = 1.57 radians; Joint 2 = -1.23 radians; Joint 3 = 1.88 radians; Joint 4 = 0.0 radians; Joint 5 = 0.745 radians; Joint 6 = -1.48 radians
After ros service call for shut down, I turned off the robot and started again with new initialization. After initialization rostopic “/arm/joint_states“ displays the angle values of same pose at which it stopped now as
Joint 1 = 1.57 radians; Joint 2 = -1.23 radians; Joint 3 = 1.88 radians; Joint 4 = 0.0 radians; Joint 5 = 0.0 radians; Joint 6 = -1.48 radians
I could see an incorrect joint 5 angle. Initially it was not happening but now it happens all the time when I newly start the robot. This mismatch occurs only at joint 5.
Can anyone help me out in resolving the same?
Originally posted by SaranKanag on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2016-05-11
Post score: 0