Hi there !
I have the custom made differential drive Robot Base which connect through USB ( /dev/ttyACM0 )
and i want to control it via joystick teleop.
- the robot base , which have no driver at all. i need to write the special driver for it. (please look below for the protocol) any example or suggestion ?
- How to send message from the ROS to serial ?( maybe the cmd_vel is the good msg to send )
Serial Protocol Example
to drive Robot forward = Serial Send byte Stream in this format
255 255 001 007 003 020 001 255 001 255 224
Stream Explained
255 255 001 - Header
007 - Length of byte following this byte
003 020 - error on the protocol (it doesn't matter in this context)
001 - Direction of Right Wheel
255 - Velocity on Right Wheel (Full Throttle)
001 - Direction of Left Wheel
255 - Velocity on Left Wheel (Full Throttle)
224 - Inverted Checksum
Things that i've done :
I can use the joystick teleop to control turtlebot_sim.
For the base : i can completely drive ,control and read value manually on ordinary C++ code ( respect to the WJWWOOD Serial Library ).
So, I want to know that there're any node example, suggestions or tutorials to achieve this ?
Many Thanks, Tew
Originally posted by C3MX on ROS Answers with karma: 150 on 2016-01-05
Post score: 0