
I've read the AccelStepper documentation on airspayce.com and it seems to be not possible to accelerate a stepper starting with a speed greater 0. Acceleration always starts from speed=0, I tried it with several variations of the code below...

#include <AccelStepper.h>
int onOffPin = 9;

AccelStepper stepper(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 2, 10);

void setup()

void loop()
    //turn motor on
    digitalWrite( onOffPin, HIGH ); 

    // go forwards
    digitalWrite( onOffPin, HIGH );
    stepper.runToPosition(); // stepper shall start from speed 200, but it starts from speed 0; 

    // Now go backwards

    //turn motor off
    digitalWrite( onOffPin, LOW ); 

I also tried to set the speed in the library's method void AccelStepper::computeNewSpeed() directly, but I'm not that good in c++ and don't get it to work.

Anybody any ideas?


I tried to write some custom code in AccelStepper.cpp's method void AccelStepper::computeNewSpeed() My idea was to set the speed manually during acceleration/deceleration if the speed is below my intended value. At first I thought it couldn't be a big deal, but now I see that my cpp skills seems to be not good enough or I don't understand the library quite well.

I tried

void AccelStepper::computeNewSpeed()
    long distanceTo = distanceToGo(); // +ve is clockwise from curent location
    long stepsToStop = (long)((_speed * _speed) / (2.0 * _acceleration)); // Equation 16 

    //now here goes my modification
    if (_speed < 200.0 && _speed >= 0 ){
    //I did no modification below this comment

This results in a very slow stepper movement..

  • $\begingroup$ did you ever get it to work? $\endgroup$
    – MeSo2
    Aug 5, 2021 at 14:55
  • $\begingroup$ no. back then I just arranged myself using the lib as it is. Turned out it was ok for my use case when I setMaxSpeed(1000) and setAcceleration(1000) $\endgroup$
    – mika
    Aug 5, 2021 at 16:58


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