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How can I get a list of the names of action servers?

Is there also a way to get a list of the actions that a given action server has?

Using either a cmd line or python would be preferable for me. Thanks!

Originally posted by Fry on ROS Answers with karma: 126 on 2015-12-17

Post score: 8


1 Answer 1


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Each action server publishes 5 topics (my server is named test below):


So you can e.g. use grep to the output of rostopic list to get the list of available actions, e.g.

rostopic list | grep -o -P '^.*(?=/feedback)'

Originally posted by peci1 with karma: 1366 on 2015-12-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 14

Original comments

Comment by 130s on 2016-02-01:
While this works very well for me, I also opened a ticket for a new feature https://github.com/ros/actionlib/issues/44


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