Hi all,
I tried use Android Studio to import the latest android_apps, but I got build errors.
$ git clone -b indigo https://github.com/rosjava/android_apps.git
And I got following build errors:
Error:(161, 16) error: cannot find symbol method addLayer(ViewControlLayer)
Error:(162, 16) error: cannot find symbol method addLayer(OccupancyGridLayer)
Error:(163, 16) error: cannot find symbol method addLayer(LaserScanLayer)
Error:(164, 16) error: cannot find symbol method addLayer(PathLayer)
Error:(165, 16) error: cannot find symbol method addLayer(MapPosePublisherLayer)
Error:(166, 16) error: cannot find symbol method addLayer(InitialPoseSubscriberLayer)
It looks like the VisualizationView class in maven central repo did NOT have addLayer method.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Originally posted by [email protected] on ROS Answers with karma: 159 on 2015-11-02
Post score: 0