currently im working on a RGB-D SLAM with a Kinect v1 Camera. In the front-end the SLAM estimates the pose with Ransac as an initial guess for the ICP. With the pose estimation i transform the pointcloud to a pointcloud-scene which represents my map.
To smooth the map im trying to implement a graph optimizing algorithm (g2o). Until now, there is no graph representation in my frontend, so i started to integrate that.
Im trying to build a .g2o file with the following fromat:
VERTEX_SE3 i x y z qx qy qz qw
where x, y, z is the translation and qx, qy, qz, qw ist the Rotation in respect to the initial coordinate system. And,
EDGE_SE3 observed_vertex_id observing_vertex_id x y z qx, qy, qz, qw inf_11 inf_12 .. inf_16 inf_22 .. inf_66
Translation and rotation for the edge is the pose estimate that i compute with Ransac and ICP (visual odometry).
Now im getting stuck with the information matrix. I read the chapter 3.4 THE INFORMATION FILTER in Thrun's Probabolistic Robotics and several threads in this forum, such as:
The relationship between point cloud maps and graph maps
information filter instead of kalman filter approach
From the second link, i got this here.
The covariance update $$P_{+} = (I-KH)P$$ can be expanded by the definition of K to be
$$ P_{+} = P - KHP$$ $$ P_{+} = P - PH^T (HPH^T+R)^{-1} HP$$
Now apply the matrix inversion lemma, and we have:
$$P_{+} = P - PH^T (HPH^T+R)^{-1} HP$$ $$ P_{+} = (P^{-1} + H^TR^{-1}H)^{-1}$$
Which implies: $$ P_{+}^{-1} = P^{-1} + H^TR^{-1}H$$
The term $P^{-1}$ is called the prior information,$$H^TR^{-1}H$$ is the sensor information (inverse of sensor variance), and this gives us $P^{-1}_+$, which is the posterior information.
Could you please point this out for me. What data do i need to compute the information matrix?