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hi, after I went through the ROS Tutorials for beginners, I started to learn simulator - RViz. when I went through this page: http://wiki.ros.org/rviz/Tutorials/Markers%3A%20Basic%20Shapes

but at the last step, the basic shapes does not appear in my RViz's UI. it has been solved at my answer.But I have another question, why there is no listerer subscribed to the topic /visualization_marker? if we use rqt_graph to see it?

I run "$ rostopic echo /visualization_marker" and there exists messages updating at 1Hz. I also attached the screen shot below.

But I have another question, why there is no listerer subscribed to the topic /visualization_marker? if we use rqt_graph to see it?

Thank you for any help!

---------below is the info of the teminal running rviz:-------------

exbot@ubuntu:~$ rosrun rviz rviz [ INFO] [1437095460.714907594]: rviz version 1.10.16 [ INFO] [1437095460.715081304]: compiled against OGRE version 1.7.4 (Cthugha) libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo libGL error: Try again with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose for more details. [ INFO] [1437095460.993503571]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [ INFO] [1437095460.993955591]: OpenGl version: 2.1 (GLSL 1.2). [ WARN] [1437095595.633391980]: MessageFilter [target=map ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.rviz.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information. image description

Originally posted by sonictl on ROS Answers with karma: 287 on 2015-07-16

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Solved! On the Left Pannel: Display Pannel -> Global Option -> Fixed Frame, Set it to: /my_frame

I set the target frame as /my_frame on the view pannel on the rightside, incorrectly.


Originally posted by sonictl with karma: 287 on 2015-07-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by sonictl on 2015-07-16:
But I have another question, why there is no listerer subscribed to the topic /visualization_marker? if we use rqt_graph to see it?


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