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I have written an object in C++ which contains position and orientation information in member variables. These variables are not likely to change over the lifetime of the object. I am using these variables to perform my own hard-coded transforms between the world and the frame defined by each object.

I realize now that this is probably not the correct way to do things, and I should be using tf to do this work for me.

My question is how do I setup a static frame for each object when it is constructed?

I know I can create a static_transform_publisher node to do this, but I'm not too excited about creating a bunch of nodes during program operation that don't really do anything. It seems opposed to the ROS design philosophy.

Is there some object I can create that will do this for me?

Originally posted by Sebastian on ROS Answers with karma: 363 on 2015-06-22

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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multistatic_transform_publisher from lscr_tf_tools can help with this. You can run a single transform publisher node, and use messages to tell it to set transforms.

Originally posted by Dan Lazewatsky with karma: 9115 on 2015-06-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2


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