I am running pointcloud_to_laserscan . When I display the pointcloud2 in rviz after rotation the camera frame is displays correctly along the rviz ground plane. However the laser from pointcloud_to_laserscan produces a scan line that does not register to the cloud2 in rviz .
from rostopic list
self.msgAry = [self.createStaticTransform("base_footprint", 0, 0, 0.1, "base_link", 0, 0, 0), \
self.createStaticTransform("base_link", -0.13, -0.13, 0.1, "left_wheel", 0, 0, 0), \
self.createStaticTransform("base_link", -0.13, 0.13, 0.1, "right_wheel", 0, 0, 0), \
self.createStaticTransform("base_link", -0.1, 0, 0.1, "tower_link", 0, 0, 0), \
self.createStaticTransform("tower_link", 0.0, 0, 0.2, "camera_link", 0, 0, 0), \
self.createStaticTransform("camera_link", 0, 0, 0, "camera_frame_optical", 0, 0, 0), \
self.createStaticTransform("camera_link", 0, 0, 0, "rrbot/camera_frame", -1.57079633, 0, -1.57079633)]
<!-- ******************************************************************************************** -->
<node name="pointcloud_to_laserscan_node" pkg="pointcloud_to_laserscan" type="pointcloud_to_laserscan_node" output="screen" respawn="true">
<remap from="cloud_in" to="/depth/points"/>
target_frame: "camera_frame_optical"
tolerance: 0.01
min_height: 1.0
max_height: 10.0
angle_min: -1.5708 # -M_PI/2
angle_max: 1.5708 # M_PI/2
angle_increment: 0.00436717644334
scan_time: 0.3333
range_min: 0.1
range_max: 30.0
use_inf: false
# Concurrency level, affects number of pointclouds queued for processing and number of threads used
# 0 : Detect number of cores
# 1 : Single threaded
# 2->inf : Parallelism level
concurrency_level: 0
eg: of scan output
seq: 530
secs: 435
nsecs: 155000000
frame_id: rrbot/camera_frame
angle_min: -1.57079994678
angle_max: 1.57079994678
angle_increment: 0.00436717644334
time_increment: 0.0
scan_time: 0.333299994469
range_min: 0.10000000149
range_max: 30.0
ranges: [31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 0.8586809635162354, 31.0, 0.8496611714363098, 0.8406707644462585, 0.831710159778595, 0.8041678667068481, 0.7952516674995422, 0.7863677144050598, 0.7961777448654175, 0.7775167226791382, 0.7686992287635803, 0.7599161863327026, 0.7511681914329529, 0.7323523759841919, 0.7236281037330627, 0.7149416208267212, 0.7443765997886658, 0.7062936425209045, 0.6976853609085083, 0.7275895476341248, 0.6701399087905884, 0.6994651556015015, 0.6616077423095703, 0.6721076965332031, 0.6531197428703308, 0.6446771025657654, 0.6552738547325134, 0.6362810134887695, 0.6469258069992065, 0.6279329657554626, 0.6386252045631409, 0.6196341514587402, 0.6005377769470215, 0.611386239528656, 0.5922955870628357, 0.6031908988952637, 0.5841078758239746, 0.5950496792793274, 0.575976550579071, 0.5869641900062561, 0.567903459072113, 0.5789360404014587, 0.5598904490470886, 0.5709671378135681, 0.5519396066665649, 0.5630595684051514, 0.5328202247619629, 0.5440531373023987, 0.5249583125114441, 0.5362334251403809, 0.5474361181259155, 0.5171664953231812, 0.5284825563430786, 0.5094473361968994, 0.5208029747009277, 0.5320833325386047, 0.5018035769462585, 0.5131973028182983, 0.5366259217262268, 0.494238018989563, 0.5170202255249023, 0.5417959690093994, 0.4867537021636963, 0.5096039175987244, 0.4677780270576477, 0.4908510148525238, 0.5148261785507202, 0.46043476462364197, 0.4835691750049591, 0.5202662944793701, 0.45318499207496643, 0.4648210406303406, 0.5132442712783813, 0.5743728280067444, 0.44603264331817627, 0.5188512206077576, 0.5290347337722778, 0.43898165225982666, 0.5370392799377441, 31.0,
Originally posted by rnunziata on ROS Answers with karma: 713 on 2015-03-21
Post score: 1