I have a bunch of bags that were recorded from sensor nodes during an experiment a month ago. Right now I'm trying to get some sort of visualization working from the IMU data, beyond plotting the values in rqt. Ideally some sort of visualization of the acceleration vector.
I've been trying to use RViz to display the data, but haven't had any luck. When I try to add a visualization by topic it shows my sensor_msgs/imu_msg message on my imu_chatter topic, but when I select it I get an error saying "Transform [sender=unknown_publisher] For frame []: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist". It does have a green checkmark next to the topic.
image description http://i60.tinypic.com/1oq7oj.jpg
This is my first time using RViz, so I really don't know what's going on. Any ideas as to what is wrong?
Originally posted by that_guy318 on ROS Answers with karma: 25 on 2015-02-08
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by jafecasu on 2016-04-04:
I have the same situation. Did you solve the problem?
Comment by that_guy318 on 2016-04-05:
Yes I did. I had to go in and manually add a frame id to the bagfiles. I wrote a quick Python script to update the bags. It's been about a year since I've messed with any of this, so hopefully this still works.
Here's the link to that script on github (had to shorten) https://goo.gl/mCegBY
Comment by jafecasu on 2016-04-10:
Thank you very much. I will try it.
Comment by jafecasu on 2016-04-17:
Hi, I was trying your code, but I got an error..
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'input.bag'
Do I have to write an script to make a tf?? or Do I have to write also an script to record such bag files?
Comment by that_guy318 on 2016-04-17:
You didn't give the script any input or output files then, input.bag (in directory you ran script from) is what it defaults if you give it no arguments.