I am working in a project, where I have to use Robot Position.
IMU unit is attached with that, Now I found Robot_Localization package, which I can use in my project. I dont have any GPS device with robot and I dont know How to use this and what are the setup requirements before using this package.
Can I use Mobile as GPS device over Robot? If yes then How to Integrate with ROS?
Originally posted by KDROS on ROS Answers with karma: 67 on 2014-12-30
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Tom Moore on 2014-12-30:
This sounds like two questions. One is about using a mobile device as a GPS, and the other is about using robot_localization. I would suggest making them two separate questions.
Also, can you give us more details? Does your robot have odometry?
Comment by KDROS on 2014-12-30:
Yes It sounds like 2 ques but I found GPS integration in Robot_localization package, That is why I asked, What will happen If I wont use GPS?