Currently we have already integrated the 2d hector_slam (which uses 2d laser range finder and provides tf information for the Octomap) and 3d ocotomap (in which the point cloud was provided by ASUS Xtion). But the update frequency of Octomap is pretty low.
I used $ rostopic hz /octomap_full to get the octomap update frequency, the following are some of the output:
subscribed to [/octomap_full] average rate: 0.176 min: 5.684s max: 5.684s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2 no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages average rate: 0.188 min: 4.961s max: 5.684s std dev: 0.36167s window: 3 no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages average rate: 0.182 min: 4.961s max: 5.842s std dev: 0.38378s window: 4 no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages average rate: 0.179 min: 4.961s max: 5.842s std dev: 0.36321s window: 5 no new messages no new messages no new messages no new messages average rate: 0.181
How to increase the octomap update frequency?
Highly appreciate your time and help!
Originally posted by Lili Meng on ROS Answers with karma: 286 on 2014-12-08
Post score: 2