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I have a bagfile with a lot of topics in it. For some reason I would like to filter out 4 topics of that bagfile into a new bagfile:

   rosbag filter old_bag.bag new_bag.bag "topic=='/stereo/left/image_rect' '/stereo/right/image_rect' '/stereo/left/camera_info'  '/stereo/right/camera_info'"

Unfortunately this doesn't work. Does anyone have a clue what the correct syntax is?

Originally posted by mister_kay on ROS Answers with karma: 238 on 2014-08-22

Post score: 17


1 Answer 1


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The filter statement is just python, so you can use or:

rosbag filter old_bag.bag new_bag.bag "topic == '/stereo/left/image_rect' or topic == '/stereo/right/image_rect' or topic == '/stereo/left/camera_info' or topic == '/stereo/right/camera_info'"

Originally posted by Tom Moore with karma: 13689 on 2014-08-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 37

Original comments

Comment by Benjamin Blumer on 2017-06-30:
If you want to record a whole namespace, e.g., "stereo", you can make use of Python's in operator:

rosbag filter old_bag.bag new_bag.bag "'stereo' in topic"

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