Sometimes, in cluttered environments, our (differential wheeled) robot seems to accelerate too fast and navigates itself into places it cannot escape from. Just to test if a lower acceleration would do any good I tried reconfiguring it but it seems that setting the parameter /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/acc_lim_x
lower than 1.0 causes move_base to not do anything any more. Since the parameter is a float value, I expect that the reason is not just an int cast somewhere. Does anyone know why an acceleration lower than 1.0 m/s^2 might not be supported?
Edit: Just to give some more info, these are the other parameters we use:
acc_lim_x: 1.0
acc_lim_y: 0.0
acc_lim_th: 2.0
min_vel_y: 0.0
max_vel_y: 0.0
max_rot_vel: 1.0
min_rot_vel: 0.4
yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.1
xy_goal_tolerance: 0.3
latch_xy_goal_tolerance: true
sim_time: 1.7
path_distance_bias: 5.0 #default:32
goal_distance_bias: 9.0 #default:24
occdist_scale: 0.01 #default:0.01
oscillation_reset_dist: 0.05
prune_plan: true
holonomic_robot: false
Not listed parameters use the default values.
Edit2: To answere David's comment: These are the parameters we use for the local costmap:
update_frequency: 5.0
publish_frequency: 2.0
static_map: false
rolling_window: true
width: 4.0
height: 4.0
resolution: 0.05
- {name: obstacle_layer, type: "costmap_2d::VoxelLayer"}
- {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
So the resolution is 0.05 which is the default value if I'm not mistaken.
Originally posted by Chrissi on ROS Answers with karma: 1642 on 2014-08-14
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by David Lu on 2014-08-14:
What is the resolution of your local costmap?
Comment by David Lu on 2014-08-18:
What ROS Distro are you on? Also, are you using the binaries for navigation, or are you compiling the code yourself?
Comment by David Lu on 2014-08-18:
Also, check two things: 1) What are the cmd_vels that are being published (if any) 2) If you set the parameter publish_traj_pc to true, what does the point cloud look like in rviz?
Comment by Chrissi on 2014-08-20:
We are on Hydro and use the binaries. I will check the other things asap.
Comment by Chrissi on 2014-08-22:
There is only 0 s published in /cmd_vel and I don't have the publish_traj_pc parameter in my set-up and under /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/trajectory_cloud there is nothing published.
Comment by AReimann on 2014-10-01:
Tested it with the stage simulator, turtlebot on ros indigo. Had no problems, maybe updating helps.