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1-Can someone please explain what exactly is the timestamp that is sent along with every message regardless of the data type ? This number is huge and its in the range of 4.7x10^18 .

2- For synchronization between GPS and for example IMU, can we simple look for the closest Timestamp and regard them as one ?



Originally posted by Naz on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2014-08-12

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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In ROS messages timestamp is taken from your system, which is unix epoch time.

Check Unix epoch time here.

For synchronisation look message_filters

Documentaiton of the datatypes are at: http://wiki.ros.org/rospy/Overview/Time and http://wiki.ros.org/rospy/Overview/Time

Originally posted by bvbdort with karma: 3034 on 2014-08-12

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 6

Original comments

Comment by ahubers on 2014-08-12:
Also, if the workstation and the device are significantly off, you can sync the two with chrony. Just mentioning because it took me too long to figure out...


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