Hello, I am currently attempting to repackage a C++ device driver into a ROS node that will accomplish the same thing. However, the project is dependent on the ncurses library, and I am apparently not correctly linking the library, because I am getting a bunch of undefined reference errors to functions that, in the code are comment-labeled as coming from the ncurses library. How do I properly link this library in my CMakeLists file? This is what I have right now, but its not working:
add_executable(steering_keyboard_node src/steering_keyboard_node.cpp include/steeringKeyboard/workmanComm.cpp include/steeringKeyboard/workmanParams.cpp include/steeringKeyboard/ /usr/include/ncurses.h /usr/include/curses.h)
target_link_libraries(steering_keyboard_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
Originally posted by mysteriousmonkey29 on ROS Answers with karma: 170 on 2014-07-25
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by tfoote on 2014-07-26:
Please show the errors you are getting and provide enough information on how to reproduce the problem. . Otherwise we have to guess what you are doing wrong.