Hi to all,
Well after having some conversations with @FelixEndres, and since I need RGBDSlam working on ROS Indigo so to implement it in a Odroid running Ubuntu 13.10, I decided to try to make the migration of the source code to Indigo, which will certainly be useful to others to come.
Some of the initial problems wore corrected by downloading and compiling g2o and OpenCV-2.4.9 from source, so to rgbdslam can detect them and then use them. But then, I got some errors on the code that should be resolved by adapting the code to the OpenCV architecture, but I will need some help on those, since Felix is busy with is PhD and I need this to my MSc thesis. So a help from someone with knowledge on OpenCV functions and headers will be great.
So, when doing catkin_make
on my ws I get the following list of errors:
This code block was moved to the following github gist: https://gist.github.com/answers-se-migration-openrobotics/b8f0064e06e8fca5bf09560a0a934930
Any tips on what substitutions on the headers should be done? I believe this is a include problem and not function problems, as it seems that there must be some kind of conflict with the namespace cv
Thanks in advance!
Originally posted by TSC on ROS Answers with karma: 180 on 2014-06-09
Post score: 2