I am interested in automating the commands that I have to type in separate new terminals to launch various nodes.
step:1.sudo su
step:2.cd /root/fuerte_workspace
step:3.source /root/fuerte_workspace/setup.sh
Above three steps need to be repeated every time when I launch new terminals(ctrl+alt+t). with following commands
command:1 roscore
command:2 roslaunch move_base.launch
command:3 rosrun rviz rviz
to launch command4, I need to go to /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/yujin_cmd_vel_mux
command:4 roslaunch cmd_vel_mux standalone.launch
Procedure One: Through shell script
I have written a sample directly executable shell script. but it is not working properly and following error occurs in the new terminal when roscore tries to initialize.
Procedure Two: Through include tag in one launch file. But I don't know how to incorporate rosrun commands inside a launch file.
Originally posted by RB on ROS Answers with karma: 229 on 2014-05-06
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by Procópio on 2014-05-06:
step1: why do you need superuser privileges to run ros nodes?