hello everyone,I am new in ROS and I'am studing with explore package. wiki.ros.org/explore. I run the code without problems. But When I use the rviz to see the explored map,I find that after the costmap got laser scan's data, as soon as the obstacle is detected, it has a probability to be a Free Space while if the truth is Obstacle, that made the wall(in the rviz ) it detected has some sawtooth shape. So I want to ask that how can the map mapping the stage's map exactly and I want it mapping without noise,which parameters should I change?
Thank you every much !
Originally posted by physicsex on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2014-03-19
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by demmeln on 2014-03-23:
You will have to be a bit more specific than that. What exactly are you doing? Which package are you using? What commands are you executing? What is happening? What would you like to happen?