I'm working with two ur10 arms. i can easily set up a connection with the universal robot stack from github using the driver.py with one robot arm. I'm using the ipa320 fork (github.com/ipa320/universal_robot) with groovy.
I'm sure both arms are reachable over the network and i can set up a connection with each arm individually.
My problem is when i wont to establish the connections simultaniously.. when i'm connecting to the second ur10 the connection attempt fails. I'm not really familliar wit tcp and sockets but in my opinion the connection fails cause the ur10 box trys to establish the connection only through port 500001. I know that this python scripts tells the ur10 box to setup a connection. But i dont't know how to tell the box over whitch port the connection should be established. In the driver.py is a variable define REVERSE_PORT = 50001 but it is not used in the code. Does somebody has deeper insights in the connection process or already accomplished to set up a connection with two ur10's and moveit?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Matthias.
Originally posted by Equanox on ROS Answers with karma: 36 on 2014-02-17
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2014-02-17:
Is this with a single or dual controller setup?
Comment by Equanox on 2014-02-18:
dual controller