I have a data set, which contains several time stamped csv files.
One of the files contains time stamped gps data and the other contains LIDAR data. I want to convert these csv files into a Rosbag file.
What would be the simplest way of making a bagfile?
I have opened a bagfile and all I see is hex I guess this is because of some compression? Also I have looked at the format of bagfiles and it looks complicated. Are there any tools or libraries to write bag-files which are simple to use?
I guess the alternatives would be for me to parse the files, try and play them back using the timestamps, publish rostopics and use the rosbag record. However with this method the original timestamps will not be maintained and I am not sure if I can publish all the topics at the appropriate frequencies.
Originally posted by Sentinal_Bias on ROS Answers with karma: 418 on 2014-01-17
Post score: 3