Hi, I'm trying to simulate a quadrotor on ros using gazebo and hector_quadrotor package, what I want to realize is navigation by goal using already realized ros component. For now I'm able to create a map of the simulated environment using rgbdslam and octomap_server, what i want to do now is use this rappresentation of the world to avoid collision and set a goal state for the simulated uav.
Is it possible? What packages should I look for? Are there some tutorials or readings on this argument and how to realize this in Ros?
What I have thinked so far is to use the armNavigation or moveit! package to plan a trajectory for the UAV, but I don't know if this is possible because they were designed for arm's moving. The navigation stack only offer 2D support so doesn't work for a flying object.
For now I don't consider kinematic constraint, what I want to achieve it's pure geometric planning.
Thank you for your time! Any advice it's welcome!
Originally posted by Alex2309 on ROS Answers with karma: 163 on 2013-08-12
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by pkohout on 2013-08-12:
do you need to navigate in height ? i have used the navigation stack to send my UAV to a goal, but it just woks for paths in 2D, so it cannot plan a path over a table, but can plan it beside a table. I have just finished that in a simulation, dont know when i bring it on the real UAV.
Comment by Alex2309 on 2013-08-12:
if it's possible i would prefer to navigate also in height, but thanks for the advice anyway!
Comment by ZiyangLI on 2014-01-13:
Hi, @Alex2309, could you tell me how to create a map of the environment using rgbdslam and octomap_server and kinect?
Comment by LisCampo on 2015-03-26:
Hi @pkohout
Can you describe me how you plan plan beside a table with UAV?
Comment by automate on 2016-01-15:
Hey @pkohout How did u generate odometry data which is required by navigation stack for navigating in 2d? Using MAVROS? Did u use raw IMU data or GPS data or anything else? Is yes then can u describe how did u do it?
Comment by RSA_kustar on 2016-06-09:
@pkohout I am trying to use the navigation stack with UAV.. Is there any tutorial or a github package that include this specification ??