Given your answer: There is a better solution to your problem.
If you use the standard turtlebot launch files, there should be a cmd_vel_mux set up for you. Check out the topics under /cmd_vel_mux/input/...
If you send teleop, autonomy (navi) and others that you might configure to those topics, the cmd_vel_mux should automatically switch on and off the respective topics.
Originally posted by dornhege with karma: 31395 on 2013-07-01
This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by Nic on 2013-07-01:
Thanks. I check it using "rqt_graph".
But when I run the terelp, I found only /turtlebot_tereop_keyboard node communicated to /mobile_base_nodelet_manager node on /cmd_vel_mux/input/tereop topic. /map_server node, /move_base node and /mobile_base_nodelet_manager still communicate. Why don't work?
Comment by jorge on 2013-07-01:
What's terelp? Note that cmd_vel_mux selects the passing through velocity messages based on the priority assigned on param/mux.yaml, so if terelp keeps publishing zero velocity the robot will not respond to navigation goals, who has less priority. What's published on /mobile_base/commands/velocity?
Comment by Nic on 2013-07-02:
I'm sorry, there are some typo. terelp means teleop, and tereop means teleop.
Comment by Nic on 2013-07-02:
Thanks for your help. I found that after I launched "turtlebot_teleop", six zero parameters(linear and angular xyz) are published on topic "/mobile_base/commands/velocity" when I did not input any command. And in param/mux.yaml, the "Teleoperation" priority is 7.
Comment by Nic on 2013-07-02:
I could not find the priority of "2D Nav Goal" on Rviz. But I found that when I run "rosnode info /mobile_base_nodelet_manager ", then "/cmd_vel_mux/input/navi_raw" follows "topic: /cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop". on Connections. Does the writing order mean the priority?
Comment by jorge on 2013-07-02:
Nop, is the value of the priority parameter on turtlebot_bringup/param/mux.yaml file. Navigation has 5. cmd_vel_mux needs that all inputs behave politely to work, no spaming with zero-velocity messages when inactive.
Comment by jorge on 2013-07-02:
We should modify turtlebot_teleop to fit this requirement. You can alternatively use kobuki_keyop, that I find more convenient and behaves properly: roslaunch kobuki_keyop keyop.launch
Comment by Nic on 2013-07-03:
Thanks, Jorge. I found the priority parameter 5 on turtlebot_bringup/param/mux.yaml, and the priority parameter 7 on kobuki_keyop/param/keyop_mux.yaml. Then if I use kobuki_keyop, the navigation works.
Comment by RB on 2014-01-28:
This question-answer help me to sort out similar problem. I am using P3AT which don't have any switching between teleop and autonomous behavior. From above discussion I came to know that I have to write one mux.yaml file for priority setting. Will it be enough for for publishing alternate velocity commands (switching) to base controller on cmd_vel topic.. Thank you in advance
Comment by jihoonl on 2014-01-28:
It should be enough to switch between two velocity commands. check out for more details.
Comment by RB on 2014-01-28:
@jihoonl Thanks. I have one doubt, how goal position can be exchanged between two packages even if I achieve switching? For teleop (I am using and for autonomous (move_base, I think). Do you have any idea regarding this?