I'm having a issue with the ROS RGBDSLAM installation in Fuerte. Whenever I run "roslaunch rgbdslam kinect+rgbdslam.launch" an empty RGBDSLAM GUI pops up. The terminal shows the error:
[ INFO] [1370907710.759761259]: No devices connected.... waiting for devices to be connected
even though I have the Kinect Xbox 360 connected and LibFreenect works fine. What am I doing wrong?
It appears to be an issue with OpenNI in particular, since when I run "roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch" the same error occurs.
Glancing at the source code in openni.launch and device.launch (in home/ros_workspace/rgbdslam_freiburg/rgbdslam/launch), I noticed that "depth_registered.launch" and "depth.launch" are referenced, but do not exist. Maybe that's the issue?
Ex, see code section:
<!-- Unregistered depth processing --> <include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/includes/depth.launch"
ns="$(arg depth)">
<arg name="manager" value="$(arg manager)" />
<arg name="bond" value="$(arg bond)" /> </include>
<!-- Depth-to-RGB registration and processing --> <include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/includes/depth_registered.launch">
<arg name="manager" value="$(arg manager)" />
<arg name="rgb" value="$(arg rgb)" />
<arg name="depth" value="$(arg depth)" />
<arg name="depth_registered" value="$(arg depth_registered)" />
<arg name="bond" value="$(arg bond)" /> </include>
Thank you!
Originally posted by rosslam on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2013-06-10
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Felix Endres on 2013-06-11:
Your device is not found. I have seen reports that some drivers have problems with newer versions of the Xtion pro, maybe that holds true for your Kinect? Otherwise, have you tried a different USB port, preferrably a USB 2.0 port?
Comment by sai on 2013-06-11:
This issue arises for Asus xtion pro live devices and new version of microsoft kinect "kinect 4 windows"
Comment by Zayin on 2013-06-12:
If you have a Turtlebot and if your camera is draining power from your robot, make sure it's set to full mode on the dashboard. I have to do that every time I want to use openni + Kinect.