Hi all,
I have some queries about running navigation stack in Stage and RViz :
- For my project I'm using base_link as my robot base frame and laser_frame as my laser base frame. However, after running Stage and RViz I found out that base_footprint frame and base_laser_link frame has been added to my TF, although I'm not using it at all. Initially I thought it is because of the default frame name in Stage and RViz node, so I remap the variables in my Stage & RViz launch file like this :
remap from="base_laser_link" to="laser_frame"
remap from="base_footprint" to="base_link"
But it doesn't do the work at all (I still have those unused frames in my TF).
My robot position doesn't seem to be synchronized in RViz and Stage. The initial position of my robot is different in RViz and Stage. And when I tried to set 2D Pose in RViz, the initial robot position in stage does not change at all.
When initializing RViz and Stage, the map itself is also not synchronized. The origin of my map in RViz is at the corner of the map while the origin of my map in Stage is at the center of the map.
I hope to know how to handle this issues. Your feedbacks are appreciated.
Originally posted by Andre Setiawan on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2013-04-22
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ali ekber celik on 2013-11-30:
Hi,how did you solve your 2nd and 3rd problems?