I am using the new mimic tag that is included in the urdf/XML/joint element, like so (this is xacro):
<joint name="gripper_finger_joint" type="revolute">
<parent link="gripper_roll_link"/>
<child link="gripper_finger_link"/>
<origin xyz="0.026 .017 0" rpy="${1.04*M_PI} ${M_PI/2} ${34.58*M_PI/180}" />
<axis xyz="1 0 0" />
<limit effort="300" velocity="1" lower="${-53*M_PI/180}" upper="${0*M_PI/180}"/>
<dynamics damping="50" friction="1"/>
<joint name="r_gripper_aft_joint" type="revolute">
<parent link="gripper_roll_link"/>
<child link="r_gripper_aft_link"/>
<origin xyz="0.026 -0.011 0" rpy="${1.345*M_PI} ${M_PI/2} ${34.58*M_PI/180}" />
<axis xyz="1 0 0" />
<limit effort="300" velocity="1" lower="-3.14" upper="3.14" />
<mimic joint="gripper_finger_joint" multiplier="-1.0" offset="0.0" />
<dynamics damping="50" friction="1"/>
However, in Rviz the mimic joints are not working with the Rviz RobotModel plugin. What could I be missing?
The entire urdf is available here.
Originally posted by Dave Coleman on ROS Answers with karma: 1396 on 2013-04-16
Post score: 2