I would like to use Kinect to recognize 2 objects (book, table), 2 people (adult and child), and 2 postures (stand or sit).
I am confused about OpenCV, OpenNI, PCL, TOD and many things like that. Do I need all of them or just one of them?
Any suggestion for a quick, simple vision package?
In the video "Introducing TurtleBot" in official website, it shows Skeleton Tracking, but what software are they using?
Thank you very much indeed for your help.
Originally posted by Chik on ROS Answers with karma: 229 on 2013-03-10
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by jorge on 2013-09-12:
Take a look at this answer: http://answers.ros.org/question/72511/any-ros-node-for-people-legs-tracking. Maybe http://wiki.ros.org/people_tracker is (part of) what you need