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I've checked that I can communicate to the turtlebot and from the turtlebot to the workstation. On the workstation, I can check rostopic list and the see camera topic that I want to use. If I try to see the camera image in RViz nothing shows up but it also shows that the topic is there.

If I go onto the turtlebot laptop I can use RViz to see the camera without any problems.

Originally posted by jd on ROS Answers with karma: 62 on 2013-02-06

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Try to echo the image topic with rostopic echo <camera_node>/image_raw. If there is nothing in return, then there may be a configuration problem.

In this case double-check that ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP environment variables are correctly set on both computers.

Originally posted by Boris with karma: 3060 on 2013-02-06

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by jd on 2013-02-06:
I run

rostopic echo /camera/rgb/image_raw

And I never get any response back from the terminal. But at the same time if I do

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color

I can see the camera image.

Comment by Boris on 2013-02-06:
Did you check ROS_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI? I had the same issue a while ago and the problem was indeed in these.

Comment by jd on 2013-02-06:
I got it working, somehow. Not sure what, if anything, I did though. I have trouble now though with losing the network connection. Shortly after the workstation gets the camera image it just freezes and I can't ssh to the robot anymore.

Comment by Boris on 2013-02-06:
It can be a problem of network bandwidth. Try to use compression -- Transport Hint in Camera plugin in RViz.


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