Hi All,
I was using SimpleActionClient follow this tutorial: ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/SendingSimpleGoals
It was able to run it. I try to run multiple goals, but the program stop once there is a goal achieve SUCCEEDED state.
My question here was:
is there anyway to terminate MoveBaseClient ac("move_base", true); after achieve the goal and recall another new SimpleActionClient?
is there anyway to reset the state into the earliest state of actionlib such as PENDING? So that I can send another goal using the same executable file.
How do I use void actionlib::SimpleActionClient< ActionSpec >::setSimpleState(const SimpleGoalState & next_state) ? What value I should put into this function? I test is not a string or char.
Thanks for answering.
Originally posted by Pin Kid on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2013-01-26
Post score: 0