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Hey :),

i got some issues using a Kinect for Windows.

I find out that this Kinect is not supported by Openni yet. here and here and this command:

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch

throws an error like this:

[/openni_node1] No devices connected.... waiting for devices to be connected

I tryed to use the unstable version of openni and ps-engine as mentioned at this question but this sill not works. So the real Question whitch arives. Is there some kind of workaround for this issue?

for advising purposes: The easy solution for this issue was just to take an older Version of Kinect.

Originally posted by paetti88 on ROS Answers with karma: 25 on 2012-11-13

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Kinect4Windows can be made to work. The links below must help.

link for kinect 4 windows on ubuntu.........or mitchtech




If openni does not build then, install openjdk-7-jre and openjdk-7-jdk

after cd SensorKinect type git checkout unstable

openni_camera and openni_launch wont wont in the first go and say that this file "XnCppWrapper.h" is missing. Search for it and move all the contents of that folder to the /usr/include/

Never do rosdep for openni_Camera or openni_launch beacuase the unstable openni packages will be replaced by the stable ones..

Finally you can you roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch to get the new Kinect4Windows to work

Originally posted by sai with karma: 1935 on 2013-05-27

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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