I have a big problem trying to stabilize a quadrotor with a PD controller. The model and the program has been written in C++ and the model dynamic has been taken from this source in internet:
Well, in my code I wrote the model like in the eq. system ( see eq. 3.30 on page 21):
/* Calculate the acceleration about all 6 axis */
body_pos_current_.x_dot_2 = ( thrust_.total / masse_ ) * ( sin( body_ang_current_.theta ) * cos( body_ang_current_.phi ) * cos( body_ang_current_.psi ) + sin( body_ang_current_.psi ) * cos( body_ang_current_.phi ) );
body_pos_current_.y_dot_2 = ( thrust_.total / masse_ ) * ( sin( body_ang_current_.theta ) * sin( body_ang_current_.psi ) * cos( body_ang_current_.phi ) - cos( body_ang_current_.psi ) * sin( body_ang_current_.phi ) * cos( body_ang_current_.psi ) );
body_pos_current_.z_dot_2 = ( thrust_.total / masse_ ) * ( cos( body_ang_current_.theta ) * cos( body_ang_current_.phi ) ) - 9.81;
body_ang_current_.phi_dot_2 = ( torque_.phi / Jxx_ );
body_ang_current_.theta_dot_2 = ( torque_.theta / Jyy_ );
body_ang_current_.psi_dot_2 = ( torque_.psi / Jzz_ );
where body_ang_current.<angle>
and body_pos_current_.<position>
are structures defined in a class to store position, velocities and accelerations of the model given the 4 motor velocities about all 3 axis.
$$ \large \cases{ \ddot X = ( \sin{\psi} \sin{\phi} + \cos{\psi} \sin{\theta} \cos{\phi}) \frac{U_1}{m} \cr \ddot Y = (-\cos{\psi} \sin{\phi} + \sin{\psi} \sin{\theta} \cos{\phi}) \frac{U_1}{m} \cr \ddot Z = (-g + (\cos{\theta} \cos{\phi}) \frac{U_1}{m} \cr \dot p = \frac{I_{YY} - I_{ZZ}}{I_{XX}}qr - \frac{J_{TP}}{I_{XX}} q \Omega + \frac{U_2}{I_{XX}} \cr \dot q = \frac{I_{ZZ} - I_{XX}}{I_{YY}}pr - \frac{J_{TP}}{I_{YY}} p \Omega + \frac{U_3}{I_{YY}} \cr \dot r = \frac{I_{XX} - I_{YY}}{I_{ZZ}}pq - \frac{U_4}{I_{ZZ}} } $$
Once I get the accelerations above I m going to integrate them to get velocities and positions as well:
/* Get position and velocities from accelerations */
body_pos_current_.x_dot = body_pos_current_.x_dot_2 * real_duration + body_pos_previous_.x_dot;
body_pos_current_.y_dot = body_pos_current_.y_dot_2 * real_duration + body_pos_previous_.y_dot;
body_pos_current_.z_dot = body_pos_current_.z_dot_2 * real_duration + body_pos_previous_.z_dot;
body_ang_current_.phi_dot = body_ang_current_.phi_dot_2 * real_duration + body_ang_previous_.phi_dot;
body_ang_current_.theta_dot = body_ang_current_.theta_dot_2 * real_duration + body_ang_previous_.theta_dot;
body_ang_current_.psi_dot = body_ang_current_.psi_dot_2 * real_duration + body_ang_previous_.psi_dot;
body_pos_current_.x = 0.5 * body_pos_current_.x_dot_2 * pow( real_duration, 2 ) + ( body_pos_previous_.x_dot * real_duration ) + body_pos_previous_.x;
body_pos_current_.y = 0.5 * body_pos_current_.y_dot_2 * pow( real_duration, 2 ) + ( body_pos_previous_.y_dot * real_duration ) + body_pos_previous_.y;
body_pos_current_.z = 0.5 * body_pos_current_.z_dot_2 * pow( real_duration, 2 ) + ( body_pos_previous_.z_dot * real_duration ) + body_pos_previous_.z;
body_ang_current_.phi = 0.5 * body_ang_current_.phi_dot_2 * pow( real_duration, 2 ) + ( body_ang_previous_.phi_dot * real_duration ) + body_ang_previous_.phi;
body_ang_current_.theta = 0.5 * body_ang_current_.theta_dot_2 * pow( real_duration, 2 ) + ( body_ang_previous_.theta_dot * real_duration ) + body_ang_previous_.theta;
body_ang_current_.psi = 0.5 * body_ang_current_.psi_dot_2 * pow( real_duration, 2 ) + ( body_ang_previous_.psi_dot * real_duration ) + body_ang_previous_.psi;
/* Copy the new value into the previous one (for the next loop) */
body_pos_previous_.x = body_pos_current_.x;
body_pos_previous_.y = body_pos_current_.y;
body_pos_previous_.z = body_pos_current_.z;
body_pos_previous_.x_dot = body_pos_current_.x_dot;
body_pos_previous_.y_dot = body_pos_current_.y_dot;
body_pos_previous_.z_dot = body_pos_current_.z_dot;
body_ang_previous_.phi = body_ang_current_.phi;
body_ang_previous_.theta = body_ang_current_.theta;
body_ang_previous_.psi = body_ang_current_.psi;
body_ang_previous_.phi_dot = body_ang_current_.phi_dot;
body_ang_previous_.theta_dot = body_ang_current_.theta_dot;
body_ang_previous_.psi_dot = body_ang_current_.psi_dot;
The model seems to work well but, as like reported in many papers, is very unstable and needs some controls.
The first approach for me was to create a controller (PD) to keep the height constant without moving the quadcopter, but just putting a value (for example 3 meter) and see how it reacts.
Here the small code I tried:
/* PD Controller */
double e = ( 3.0 - body_pos_current_.z ); // 3.0 is just a try value!!!
thrust_.esum = thrust_.esum + e;
thrust_.total = 1.3 * e + 0.2 * real_duration * thrust_.esum;
The problem, as you can see here in this video, is that the copter starts falling down into the ground and not reaching the desired altitude (3.0 meters). Then it comes back again again like a spring, which is not damped. I tried already many different value for the PD controller but it seems that it doesn't affect the dynamic of the model.
Another strange thing is that it goes always to a negative point under the ground, even if I change the desired height (negative or positive).
What s wrong in my code? Could you me please point to some documents or code which is understandable and well documented to start?
EDIT: Many thanks to your suggestion. Hi was really surprise to know, that my code had lots of potential problems and was not very efficient. So I elaborate the code as your explanation and I implementers a RK4 for the integration. After I ve read those articles: here and here I got an idea about RK and its vantage to use it in simulations and graphics PC. As an example I rewrote again the whole code:
/* Calculate the acceleration about all 6 axis */
pos_.dVel.x = ( ( thrust_.total / masse_ ) * ( -sin( body_position_.angle.theta ) * cos( body_position_.angle.phi ) * cos( body_position_.angle.psi ) - sin( body_position_.angle.phi ) * sin( body_position_.angle.psi ) ) );
pos_.dVel.y = ( ( thrust_.total / masse_ ) * ( sin( body_position_.angle.phi ) * cos( body_position_.angle.psi ) - cos( body_position_.angle.phi ) * sin( body_position_.angle.theta ) * sin( body_position_.angle.psi ) ) );
pos_.dVel.z = ( ( thrust_.total / masse_ ) * ( -cos( body_position_.angle.phi ) * cos( body_position_.angle.theta ) ) - 9.81 );
pos_.dOmega.phi = ( torque_.phi / Jxx_ );
pos_.dOmega.theta = ( torque_.theta / Jyy_ );
pos_.dOmega.psi = ( torque_.psi / Jzz_ );
/* Get position and velocities from accelerations */
body_position_ = RKIntegrate( body_position_, real_duration );
which is much more clear and easy to debug. Here some useful functions I implemented:
QuadrotorController::State QuadrotorController::evaluate( const State &initial, const Derivative &d, double dt ) {
State output;
output.position.x = initial.position.x + d.dPos.x * dt;
output.position.y = initial.position.y + d.dPos.y * dt;
output.position.z = initial.position.z + d.dPos.z * dt;
output.velocity.x = initial.velocity.x + d.dVel.x * dt;
output.velocity.y = initial.velocity.y + d.dVel.y * dt;
output.velocity.z = initial.velocity.z + d.dVel.z * dt;
output.angle.phi = initial.angle.phi + d.dAngle.phi * dt;
output.angle.theta = initial.angle.theta + d.dAngle.theta * dt;
output.angle.psi = initial.angle.psi + d.dAngle.psi * dt;
output.omega.phi = initial.omega.phi + d.dOmega.phi * dt;
output.omega.theta = initial.omega.theta + d.dOmega.theta * dt;
output.omega.psi = initial.omega.psi + d.dOmega.psi * dt;
return output;
QuadrotorController::Derivative QuadrotorController::sampleDerivative( double dt, const State &sampleState ) {
Derivative output;
output.dPos = sampleState.velocity;
output.dVel.x = pos_.dVel.x;
output.dVel.y = pos_.dVel.y;
output.dVel.z = pos_.dVel.z;
output.dAngle = sampleState.omega;
output.dOmega.phi = pos_.dOmega.phi;
output.dOmega.theta = pos_.dOmega.theta;
output.dOmega.psi = pos_.dOmega.psi;
return output;
QuadrotorController::State QuadrotorController::RKIntegrate( const State &state, double dt ) {
const double C1 = 0.0f;
const double C2 = 0.5f, A21 = 0.5f;
const double C3 = 0.5f, A31 = 0.0f, A32 = 0.5f;
const double C4 = 1.0f, A41 = 0.0f, A42 = 0.0f, A43 = 1.0f;
const double B1 = 1.0f/6.0f, B2 = 1.0f/3.0f, B3 = 1.0f/3.0f, B4 = 1.0f/6.0f;
Derivative k1 = sampleDerivative( 0.0f, state );
Derivative k2 = sampleDerivative( C2 * dt, evaluate( state, k1 * A21, dt ) );
Derivative k3 = sampleDerivative( C3 * dt, evaluate( state, k1 * A31 + k2 * A32, dt ) );
Derivative k4 = sampleDerivative( C4 * dt, evaluate( state, k1 * A41 + k2 * A42 + k3 * A43, dt ) );
const Derivative derivativeSum = k1 * B1 + k2 * B2 + k3 * B3 + k4 * B4;
return evaluate( state, derivativeSum, dt );
Now I m really lost because...because the simulated qudrotor has the same behavior as before. Nevertheless I ve implemented the same PD algorithm as discussed in the paper, it stabilize on Z (height) but it get really crazy due to unstable behavior. So... I dunno what is wrong in my code and my implementation. And above all I cannot find any source in internet with a good self explaned dynamic model for a quadrotor.