There is a good tutorial for rosbridge v1 quick start, at, but I can't find a similar tutorial for rosbridge v2, so I tried to mimic turtlesim with rosbridge 2, based on the example file under rosjs, and here is the link of my html file link text
During testing, I run the following commands in terminal,
rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
rosrun rosbridge_server
and then load the html file in Firefox.
Basically there are two issues observed,
1 when the 4 buttons are pressed, the turtle never move and rostopic echo /turtle1/command_velocity always give me
linear: 0.0 angular: 0.0
2 the subscription to topic "/turtle/pose" returns undefined and only returns once,
Received message on /turtle1/pose: undefined
Obviously I missed something in the above html file, so appreciate if anyone can give me some clue.
thanks clark
Originally posted by clark on ROS Answers with karma: 393 on 2012-10-26
Post score: 0