So I was trying to have a transform published over tf as a result of a callback call, which made me think I had to have a tf::TransformBroadcaster as a global variable. However these can't be declared before the ros::NodeHandle is created.
I have tried using a boost::shared_ptr and almost got the hang of it but I still didn't quite understand how to use these boost pointers. Here's what I tried to do:
boost::shared_ptr<tf::TransformBroadcaster> pose_broadcaster;
void poseCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& pose){
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped pose_trans;
pose_trans.header.stamp = pose.header.stamp;
pose_trans.header.frame_id = "odometry_frame";
pose_trans.child_frame_id = "base_link";
pose_trans.transform.translation.x = pose.pose.pose.position.x;
pose_trans.transform.translation.y = pose.pose.pose.position.y;
pose_trans.transform.translation.z = pose.pose.pose.position.z;
pose_trans.transform.rotation = pose.pose.pose.orientation;
ROS_INFO("Sending TF broadcast");
int main(){
ros::init(argc, argv, "pioneer_tf");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Subscriber pose_sub=n.subscribe("pose", 1000, poseCallback);
boost::shared_ptr<tf::TransformBroadcaster> ptr;
pose_broadcaster= boost::shared_ptr<tf::TransformBroadcaster>(ptr);//problem here
I obviously got it wrong in the initialization of the pointer, what's the right way of doing it in this case?
--- EDIT ---
This problem is solved now, but I have a similar issue at the moment with a transformListener
It is basically the same set up, with a global variable (pointer declared as global and initialized in main) and the listener being called in a callback. The thing is, even though it compiles, the callback is never called, but if I comment the line where it is called inside the callback, it works and does everything normally... Any ideas of why the callback might not be called?
--- EDIT2 ---
This problem is totally solved. It was just a matter of making the TF buffer bigger and using a try/catch.
Originally posted by Barbosa on ROS Answers with karma: 35 on 2012-10-22
Post score: 3
Original comments
Comment by dornhege on 2012-12-14:
If you have a new question, please open a new one instead of using this old question.