I want to test rgbdslam, but I havenot a kinect.
I have seen: If you want to test rgbdslam without kinect, download a sequence from http://cvpr.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/download and use "rosbag play <filename.bag>". Make sure to set the appropriate topics (i.e. clear the "topic_points" parameter and set topic_image_mono to /camera/rgb/image_color). Felix Endres (Jan 23 '12)
But I can't quite understand. More detailed steps and any preconditions ?
Originally posted by seanbyxm on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2012-09-25
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by AHornung on 2012-09-26:
Please add the correct tags to your question, or it is likely to be missed (and remain un-answered).
Comment by RossK on 2012-09-26:
I answered this question comprehensively but it didn't seem to show up :( Short answer is that these parameters are set correctly for the bag files from that dataset, you shouldn't have to do anything.