I'm trying to use camera_pose_calibration to calibrate my Asus Xtion depth camera to a RGB camera. I calibrated both cameras and the launch file, except for this warning
"[ WARN] [1346835528.616595129]: You've passed in true for auto_start for the C++ action server at [/tf2_buffer_server]. You should always pass in false to avoid race conditions."
starts everything normally. But when I try to start calibrate_2_camera.launch, I get the following error:
"Creating aggregator for ['/gscam', '/camera/rgb']
ERROR [1346837613.386631463]: Unable to convert '8UC3' image to bgr8: 'Unsupported conversion from [8UC3] to [bgr8]' "
Which keeps repeating periodically. This happens both with the built in RGB camera (for that I use a bag file) and an external RGB camera. The version of camera_pose_calibration that I'm using comes from here.
Does anyone know what's causing this and/or how to solve it? Thanks in advance!
Originally posted by Pedro on ROS Answers with karma: 102 on 2012-09-24
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by jbohren on 2012-09-25:
What's the output of 'rostopic echo /camera/rgb/encoding' ?
Comment by Pedro on 2012-09-27:
From Asus Xtion, /camera/rgb/image_rect encoding is mono8.
Comment by jbohren on 2012-09-27:
That's confusing! So if /camera/rgb/image_rect is a mono image, is there something wrong with the openni pipeline with the Xtion?
Comment by Pedro on 2012-09-27:
image_rect is published by image_proc and it's supposed to be mono. image_rect_color is bgr8, but the tutorial about extrinsic calibration in openni_launch says to use image_rect.
Comment by jbohren on 2012-09-28:
Ah right. So have you tried it with image_rect_color?
Comment by Pedro on 2012-10-02:
I did and the same happened. Anyway, with the last ROS update it's finally working (with image_rect). Thanks!