I recently spent some work on my quadcopter firmware. The model is stabilizing its attitude relatively well now. However I noticed, that it is changing its altitude sometimes (maybe pressure changes, wind or turbulence). Now I want to get rid of these altitude drops and found not much literature. My approach is using the accelerometer:
- Calculates the current g-force of the z-axis
- if the g-force is > 0.25 g and longer than 25 ms, then I feed the accelerometer term (cm per s²) into the pid
- the output is sent to the motors
The model now reacts when it is falling down with an up-regulation of the motors. However, I am not sure, whether it is smart to feed the current acceleration into the regulator and I currently wonder, whether there is a smarter method to deal with sudden and smaller changes in altitude.
Current code:
# define HLD_ALTITUDE_ZGBIAS 0.25f
const float fScaleF_g2cmss = 100.f * INERT_G_CONST;
int_fast16_t iAccZOutput = 0; // Accelerometer
// Calc current g-force
bool bOK_G;
float fAccel_g = Device::get_accel_z_g(m_pHalBoard, bOK_G); // Get the acceleration in g
// Small & fast stabilization using the accelerometer
static short iLAccSign = 0;
if(fabs(fAccel_g) >= HLD_ALTITUDE_ZGBIAS) {
if(iLAccSign == 0) {
iLAccSign = sign_f(fAccel_g);
// The g-force must act for a minimum time interval before the PID can be used
uint_fast32_t iAccZTime = m_pHalBoard->m_pHAL->scheduler->millis() - m_iAccZTimer;
// Check whether the direction of acceleration changed suddenly
// If so: reset the timer
short iCAccSign = sign_f(fAccel_g);
if(iCAccSign != iLAccSign) {
// Reset the switch if acceleration becomes normal again
m_iAccZTimer = m_pHalBoard->m_pHAL->scheduler->millis();
// Reset the PID integrator
// Save last sign
iLAccSign = iCAccSign;
// Feed the current acceleration into the PID regulator
float fAccZ_cmss = sign_f(fAccel_g) * (fabs(fAccel_g) - HLD_ALTITUDE_ZGBIAS) * fScaleF_g2cmss;
iAccZOutput = static_cast<int_fast16_t>(constrain_float(m_pHalBoard->get_pid(PID_ACC_RATE).get_pid(-fAccZ_cmss, 1), -250, 250) );
} else {
// Reset the switch if acceleration becomes normal again
m_iAccZTimer = m_pHalBoard->m_pHAL->scheduler->millis();
// Reset the PID integrator