How is the current state of support for the "mimic" tag for joints in URDF files? On electric, it appears that I can set the tags, but they seem to be ignored by the joint state publisher (and gazebo, from looking at Q/A discussions from the past). Are they used by any ROS tools at all?
What I'm most interested in at the moment is converting the urdf with mimic tags to the OpenRAVE COLLADA format (to generate ikfast in the end). The mimic tags seem to get lost in the conversion process, however. There seems to be code for the conversion in collada_urdf, so is this a bug?
Example portion of the URDF file:
<joint name="joint_j1" type="revolute">
<parent link="connectorj01"/>
<child link="link1"/>
<origin xyz="0 0.0933 0.0302" rpy="${M_PI_H} 0 ${3*M_PI_H}" />
<axis xyz="0 0 1" />
<limit lower="-1.5708" upper="1.5708" effort="10.0" velocity="1.5708" />
<dynamics damping="1.0" friction="1.0"/>
<joint name="joint_j1m" type="revolute">
<parent link="link1"/>
<child link="connectorj2"/>
<origin xyz="0.253 0.003 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<axis xyz="0 0 1" />
<limit lower="-1.5708" upper="1.5708" effort="10.0" velocity="1.5708" />
<mimic joint="joint_j1" multiplier="-1" offset="0"/>
<dynamics damping="1.0" friction="1.0"/>
The OpenRAVE COLLADA model generated from this urdf does not contain any mimic tags (and manually adding them doesn't trivially work either, but that's probably more a topic for the OpenRAVE mailing list)
I'm aware of previous discussions like this or this, but those do not help with the mentioned problems.
Originally posted by Stefan Kohlbrecher on ROS Answers with karma: 24361 on 2012-08-08
Post score: 1